
🌊😱 Hawaii Terror Wave: U.S. Nurse An’ Her Keiki Grabbed In Haiti

⬇️ Pidgin | ⬇️ ⬇️ English

Haiti stay going all crazy, braddahs and sistahs, with da kidnappings happening left an’ right. Just da oddah day, one U.S. nurse an’ her keiki been snatched right from where dey stay living. Dis ain’t no aloha spirit! 😢

Dis nurse, Alix Dorsainvil, she part of da El Roi Haiti, one faith-focused humanitarian organization. Her an’ da keiki taken from da campus near Port-au-Prince on Thursday. No mo’ details, so we all jus’ holding our breaths 🤐.

U.S. State Department guy say dey know about da kidnappings, but dey no like talk too much. Everybody working togeddah with da Haitian peeps, but all shhhhh about da whole thing 🤫.

Kidnappings in Port-au-Prince been da kine everyday ting, yeah? But now, all getting worse, and people all scared. Da human rights group CARDH say da kidnappings been going down, but dat was befo’. Now, da buggahs taking ovah da city 🏙️.

Why all dis? ‘Cause violence bringing more violence. Get one thing dey call “bwa kale,” where da local folks grabbing guns, trying fo’ take back da city. Gang members getting all chopped up and burnt alive. Ugh! 😨

But now, look like da terror guys changing sides. Local groups saying kidnappings and killings going up. Between May and mid-July, 40 peeps kidnapped, 75 murdered. Whatevah was happening in Haiti fo’ a break, look like pau now 😞.

Last week, plenny Haitians was all in front of da U.S. Embassy in Port-au-Prince, trying fo’ run away from da Kraze Baryè gang. Even had tear gas going on. Eveyting’s getting all outta control 🏃💨.

Some peeps like Pierre Espérance saying da authorities bailing on da people. Da gangs, he say, get protection from da big kahunas in da police. Ho, what a mess! 🚨

On July 20, CARDH was saying dey expect more violence if no bettah security. Da “bwa kale” movement getting weak, and da gangs gotta make up da money dey lost. Sometimes asking for $1 million for ransoms! 💰😵

Just da oddah day, U.S. telling all da people fo’ leave Haiti “as soon as possible.” Even da government of Kenya talking ’bout sending 1,000 police officers fo’ help Haiti out 🇰🇪👮.

Den get da Haitian foreign minister, Jean Victor Généus, saying “mahalo nui loa” to da Kenyan plan. Gonna see how dat works out, yeah? 🤔

Remembah last year, when 17 missionaries an’ family members got kidnapped in Port-au-Prince? Some let go, oddahs escaped. Now, get Mr. Espérance saying, “Da gangs do whatever dey want, whenever dey want. No one is safe.” 😰

So dat’s da story, folks. Dis ain’t no luau. Dis real kine stuff happening in Haiti. One U.S. nurse an’ her child gone, an’ all da people scared. Stay safe, show aloha, an’ pray fo’ Haiti 🌺🙏.


🌊😱 Haiti Terror Wave: U.S. Nurse and Her Child Abducted

Haiti is in chaos, with kidnappings happening all over the place. Just the other day, a U.S. nurse and her child were taken right from where they were living. This is far from the aloha spirit! 😢

The nurse, Alix Dorsainvil, is part of El Roi Haiti, a faith-focused humanitarian organization. She and her child were taken from the campus near Port-au-Prince on Thursday. No more details have been revealed, so we’re all on edge 🤐.

A U.S. State Department official acknowledged the kidnappings but declined to talk further. Everyone is working together with the Haitian officials, but the whole thing is being kept under wraps 🤫.

Kidnappings in Port-au-Prince used to be an everyday occurrence, right? But now, it’s getting worse, and people are frightened. The human rights group CARDH reported that the number of kidnappings had declined, but that was before. Now, the criminals are taking over the city 🏙️.

Why is this happening? Because violence is breeding more violence. There’s something they call “bwa kale,” where local folks have taken up arms, trying to reclaim the city. Gang members are being gruesomely killed. Ugh! 😨

But now, it looks like the tide of terror is shifting again. Local groups are reporting a spike in kidnappings and killings. Between May and mid-July, 40 people were kidnapped, and 75 were murdered. Whatever respite Haiti was experiencing looks to be over 😞.

Last week, dozens of Haitians gathered in front of the U.S. Embassy in Port-au-Prince, attempting to flee the Kraze Baryè gang. The situation even escalated to tear gas being used. Everything’s getting out of control 🏃💨.

Some people like Pierre Espérance are saying that the authorities are abandoning the population. The gangs, he claims, are protected by high-ranking officers in the police. What a mess! 🚨

On July 20, CARDH predicted more violence if better security measures weren’t implemented. The “bwa kale” movement is weakening, and the gangs need to make up the income lost from the decrease in kidnappings. Sometimes they’re asking for $1 million in ransoms! 💰😵

Just the other day, the U.S. advised all citizens in Haiti to leave “as soon as possible.” Even the government of Kenya is discussing sending 1,000 police officers to help Haiti 🇰🇪👮.

Then there’s the Haitian foreign minister, Jean Victor Généus, expressing gratitude for the Kenyan plan. We’ll see how that works out, right? 🤔

Remember last year when 17 missionaries and family members were kidnapped in Port-au-Prince? Some were let go, others escaped. Now, Mr. Espérance says, “The gangs do whatever they want, whenever they want. No one is safe.” 😰

So that’s the story, folks. This isn’t a luau. This is real stuff happening in Haiti. A U.S. nurse and her child are missing, and all the people are scared. Stay safe, show compassion, and pray for Haiti 🌺🙏.

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