
🌊🍿 Da Big Kahuna: ‘Barbenheimer’ Makin’ Waves

⬇️ Pidgin | ⬇️ ⬇️ English

Da “Barbie” an’ “Oppenheimer” movies look real different. But some fans stay plannin’ fo’ one double feature when dey come out on July 21. 🎥👗🔥

Barbie stay everyting. He’s jus’ … Robert Oppenheimer. 💁‍♀️👨‍🔬

Das right. Da main charactah givin’ Barbie one run fo’ her money right now ain’t Ken, her plastic significant othah. It’s da man who design da atomic bomb. 💣👑

Fans been waitin’ fo’ dis summah’s release of two movies—“Barbie,” from Warner Bros. an’ directed by Greta Gerwig, an’ “Oppenheimer,” from Universal Pictures an’ directed by Christopher Nolan—both droppin’ on July 21. An’ dey been makin’ fun of da big differences in da movies’ themes, moods, an’ color schemes. 🍿🌈😄

Da result of dis release schedule stay one mash-up dat many people nevah see comin’: Barbenheimer. O’ Boppenheimer, if you like. 💥🎬🎭

“Oppenheimer” stay Nolan’s prestige movie based on “American Prometheus,” one biography of Oppenheimer, da scientist who lead da Manhattan Project, which during World War II made da first atomic bombs. Da trailers fo’ dat film, wit’ intense music an’ suspenseful scenes featurin’ one pensive-lookin’ Cillian Murphy as Oppenheimer, stay real different from da pink an’ sparkly trailers fo’ “Barbie,” which show Margot Robbie as da doll livin’ in Barbieland befo’ she go on one adventure into da real world. 🎥🔥🎀

Da two charactahs no can be more different (dis Venn diagram no even get one middle?). But still, Robbie an’ Murphy stay showin’ up on T-shirts an’ sweaters togeddah. 👕🌟🤝

Memes, videos, an’ online talk flood social media, an’ some people stay makin’ plans fo’ see both movies on da same day. One debate ’bout which one fo’ watch first—”Barbie” fo’ start da day off light, o’ “Oppenheimer” first fo’ end on one more joyful note—no stay settled. 💭📺🌞

Dis curious crossover stay also creatin’ real-life merchandise. One Google search fo’ “Barbenheimer T-shirt” bring tens of tousands of results, an’ sellahs on Etsy stay design deir own versions. Some get Robbie an’ Murphy, while oddahs combine Barbie’s pink font wit’ one pink drawing of one atomic cloud. 💻🛍️🎨

One T-shirt like dat, one early entry in da crowded field, stay one simple split-screen combo of da two movie logos, spellin’ out “Barbenheimer” wit’ da release date of da films. 🎬✨👚

Hunter Hudson, 23, one filmmaker in San Antonio, say he originally design an’ create da shirts fo’ him an’ his friends fo’ “roll up to da Barbenheimer double feature” on July 21. But when he post pictures of da shirt on his Twitter feed, he say, it take off more dan he expect. 📸👕🚀

“I usually only get ’bout three o’ four likes on anyting I post,” Hudson say. But aftah sharin’ some mock-ups of da shirt, he wake up one mornin’ to hundreds of messages from people askin’ him if dey can buy ’em. 💯💬💸

Hudson make da shirts himself, wit’ one friend, an’ charge $40. So far he say he make ’bout 150 shirts, wit’ one second batch of ’bout 70 mo’ on da way. It takes him ’bout 45 minutes to an hour fo’ make one T-shirt, which he do by cuttin’ two shirts in half, pinning ’em togeddah, an’ sewin’ an’ pressin’ ’em. 👕🧵🔨

“I had one couple of movie theaters reach out to me privately to do bulk orders fo’ employees,” he say. “It’s been overwhelmingly positive.” 🍿🎉🙌

Dis kind of organic marketing probably good fo’ both films, say Robert Mitchell, da director of theatrical insights at Gower Street, one company dat do predictive analysis fo’ da film industry. 💼📊🎬

Not dat da studios’ marketing stay lackin’: Dey get life-size cardboard Barbie boxes in theaters fo’ people to take pictures an’ one selfie generator. Dey been collaboratin’ wit’ multiple brands: Da frozen yogurt chain Pinkberry stay offahin’ one Barbie flavah, Gap get one line of Barbie-themed clothes, an’ Airbnb stay offahin’ one real-life Barbie Dream House in Malibu. Warner Bros. declined fo’ comment on da movie’s marketing efforts. 📸🎉💞

Wat all dis hype mean fo’ box office results fo’ eithah film stay unclear, an’ awareness no always translate into attendance, Mitchell say. Predictions fo’ openin’ weekends stay tricky an’ one lot can still happen befo’ July 21, say David Gross, one movie consultant who publish one newsletter on box office numbahs. Some conservative industry estimates, he say, get “Barbie” openin’ between $55 million an’ $65 million in da United States an’ Canada, an’ “Oppenheimer” between $40 million an’ $50 million. Both of dose estimates would be strong fo’ one fantasy comedy an’ one historical drama, neidah of which stay sequels. Superhero, big action, an’ big animation movies usually open highah, Mr. Gross say. 🎥💰📈

Still, da hype ’round da films could be beneficial to da numbahs. “Every time ‘Barbie’ released one trailer, ‘Oppenheimer’ would start trending,” Mitchell say. 👀🔥📈

“They’re so vastly different,” he say, “dat dey allow fo’ da narrative dat popped up organically: Dis would be da strangest double bill evah.” Dat online conversation, he say, “stay pretty much one gift fo’ distributors.” 💬🤝🎁

While social media stay full of people showin’ off deir tickets fo’ see da double feature, it’s unclear how many really will. “But it shouldn’t mattah,” Gross say. “Audiences stay goin’ find ’em, an’ both films stay goin’ do extremely well.” 📽️🎟️🚀


🌊🍿 The Big Kahuna: ‘Barbenheimer’ Making Waves

Da “Barbie” an’ “Oppenheimer” movies look very different. But some fans are planning a double feature when they come out on July 21. 🎥👗🔥

Barbie is everything. He’s just … Robert Oppenheimer. 💁‍♀️👨‍🔬

That’s right. The main character competing with Barbie for attention right now isn’t Ken, her plastic significant other. It’s the man who designed the atomic bomb. 💣👑

Fans have been waiting for this summer’s release of two movies – “Barbie,” from Warner Bros. and directed by Greta Gerwig, and “Oppenheimer,” from Universal Pictures and directed by Christopher Nolan – both dropping on July 21. And they have been making fun of the big differences in the movies’ themes, moods, and color schemes. 🍿🌈😄

The result of this release schedule is a mash-up that many people may not have seen coming: Barbenheimer. Or Boppenheimer, if you like. 💥🎬🎭

“Oppenheimer” is Nolan’s prestige movie based on “American Prometheus,” a biography of Oppenheimer, the scientist who led the Manhattan Project, which during World War II produced the first atomic bombs. The trailers for that film, with intense music and suspenseful scenes featuring a pensive-looking Cillian Murphy as Oppenheimer, are in stark contrast with the pink and sparkly trailers for “Barbie,” which show Margot Robbie as the doll living in Barbieland before she goes on an adventure into the real world. 🎥🔥🎀

The two characters couldn’t be more different (this Venn diagram doesn’t even have a middle?). But still, Robbie and Murphy are showing up on T-shirts and sweaters together. 👕🌟🤝

Memes, videos, and online talk flood social media, and some people are making plans to see both movies on the same day. The debate about which one to watch first – “Barbie” to start the day off light, or “Oppenheimer” first to end on a more joyful note – hasn’t been settled. 💭📺🌞

This curious crossover is also creating real-life merchandise. A Google search for “Barbenheimer T-shirt” brings tens of thousands of results, and sellers on Etsy are designing their own versions. Some have Robbie and Murphy, while others combine Barbie’s pink font with a pink drawing of an atomic cloud. 💻🛍️🎨

One T-shirt like that, an early entry in the crowded field, is a simple split-screen combination of the two movie logos, spelling out “Barbenheimer” with the release date of the films. 🎬✨👚

Hunter Hudson, 23, a filmmaker in San Antonio, says he originally designed and created the shirts for him and his friends to “roll up to the Barbenheimer double feature” on July 21. But when he posted pictures of the shirt on his Twitter feed, he says it took off more than he expected. 📸👕🚀

“I usually only get about three or four likes on anything I post,” Hudson says. But after sharing some mock-ups of the shirt, he woke up one morning to hundreds of messages from people asking him if they could buy them. 💯💬💸

Hudson makes the shirts himself, with a friend, and charges $40. So far he says he has made about 150 shirts, with a second batch of about 70 more on the way. It takes him about 45 minutes to an hour to make one T-shirt, which he does by cutting two shirts in half, pinning them together, and sewing and pressing them. 👕🧵🔨

“I had a couple of movie theaters reach out to me privately to do bulk orders for employees,” he says. “It’s been overwhelmingly positive.” 🍿🎉🙌

This kind of organic marketing is probably good for both films, says Robert Mitchell, the director of theatrical insights at Gower Street, a company that does predictive analysis for the film industry. 💼📊🎬

Not that the studios’ marketing has been lacking: There are life-size cardboard Barbie boxes in theaters for people to take pictures and a selfie generator. There have been collaborations with multiple brands: The frozen yogurt chain Pinkberry is offering a Barbie flavor, Gap has a line of Barbie-themed clothes, and Airbnb is offering a real-life Barbie Dream House in Malibu. Warner Bros. declined to comment on the movie’s marketing efforts. 📸🎉💞

What all this hype means for box office results for either film is unclear, and awareness doesn’t always translate into attendance, Mitchell says. Predictions for opening weekends are tricky and a lot can still happen before July 21, says David Gross, a movie consultant who publishes a newsletter on box office numbers. Some conservative industry estimates, he says, have “Barbie” opening between $55 million and $65 million in the United States and Canada, and “Oppenheimer” between $40 million and $50 million. Both of those estimates would be strong for a fantasy comedy and a historical drama, neither of which are sequels. Superhero, big action, and big animation movies usually open higher, Mr. Gross said. 🎥💰📈

Still, the hype around the films could be beneficial to the numbers. “Every time ‘Barbie’ releases a trailer, ‘Oppenheimer’ would start trending,” Mitchell says. 👀🔥📈

“They’re so vastly different,” he says, “that they allow for the narrative that popped up organically: This would be the strangest double bill ever.” That online conversation, he says, “is pretty much a gift for distributors.” 💬🤝🎁

While social media is full of people showing off their tickets to see the double feature, it’s unclear how many really will. “But it shouldn’t matter,” Gross says. “Audiences are going to find them, and both films are going to do extremely well.” 📽️🎟️🚀

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