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🌄🤔 Da Texas House committee stay recommending Attorney General Ken Paxton fo’ impeachum

Da Texas House committee stay recommending Attorney General Ken Paxton fo’ impeachum

One official from da Republican attorney general’s office, him call da action by da GOP-led committee “illegal.”

One Texas House committee stay voting unanimously on Thursday fo’ recommend dat da state Attorney General Ken Paxton be impeachum and get remobed from office.🤝🔒

Da state House of Representatives, dey goin’ vote on da recommendation as soon as Friday.

Da five-memba GOP-led investigative committee, dey meet on Wednesday fo’ discuss da allegations of wrongdoing against Paxton, one fellow Republican and da top lawyer fo’ da state.🐦💭

Investigators fo’ da House General Investigating committee, dey tell da panel dat get evidence dat Paxton, him stay repeatedly breaking da state laws, including misuse of official information, abuse of official capacity, and retaliation.

Paxton, him tweet dat da allegations against him stay based on “hearsay and gossip, parroting long-disproven claims” and being championed by “RINOs” – Republicans in name only.🔍🔒

Chris Hilton, da chief of general litigation fo’ Paxton’s office, him call da committee’s probe “illegal.” Him say “impeachment is completely foreclosed by Texas law” in Paxton’s case, cuz da alleged misconduct stay before his most recent election.

Some of da allegations against Paxton, dey go back years.🚨

Da Texas House committee stay really getting serious, yeah? Dem no playing around when dey make da recommendation fo’ impeachum Attorney General Ken Paxton. Da committee stay all led by da GOP, and dey voting unanimous-like. Paxton, him going face da consequences fo’ his alleged wrongdoing.👨‍⚖️📜

Da investigators fo’ da House General Investigating committee, dey lay it all out, yeah? Dey telling da panel dat Paxton, him stay breaking da laws left and right. He stay misusing official information, abusing his power, and even retaliating against people. No small ting, brah. Da evidence stay stacking up against Paxton.💬

But Paxton, him no taking dis lightly, yeah? He going on Twitter fo’ defend himself. Him saying da allegations all based on rumors and old news. He calling out da people who supporting da investigation, calling dem “RINOs” – Republicans in name only. Him trying fo’ brush it off, but da committee, dey stay serious.👨‍⚖️🔍📝

Hilton, da big shot from Paxton’s office, him saying da committee stay going against da law, yeah? He claiming dat impeachum no can happen cuz da alleged wrongdoing stay from way back, before Paxton’s latest election. But da committee, dey stay doing their job. Dey digging deep, looking at all da evidence.⏳🔙

Dis no new ting, brah. Some of da allegations against Paxton, dey go back years. People been talking about dis fo’ long time. But now, da committee, dey stay saying “enough is enough.” Dey stay recommending impeachment and remobal from office. Da state House of Representatives, dey goin’ vote soon, and Paxton, him better be ready fo’ whatever come his way.🗳️✅

Da decision stay in da hands of da Representatives now. Dey get da power fo’ vote on da recommendation. Da people waiting fo’ justice, dey watching closely. Dey want to see if da House goin’ hold Paxton accountable fo’ his actions. It stay one important moment fo’ da state, one moment dat goin’ set da tone fo’ da future.🌄🤔

Dis stay one big story, yeah? Da Texas House committee, dey making headlines all ova da place. Da allegations against Paxton, dey shaking up da political scene. But one ting fo’ sure, da people, dey looking fo’ answers. Dey looking fo’ justice. Da future of Texas, it stay hanging in da balance, and only time goin’ tell what goin’ happen next.📅


🌄🤔 Da Texas House committee stay recommending Attorney General Ken Paxton fo’ impeachum

One official from da Republican attorney general’s office, him call da action by da GOP-led committee “illegal.”

One Texas House committee stay voting unanimously on Thursday fo’ recommend dat da state Attorney General Ken Paxton be impeachum and get remobed from office.🤝🔒

Da state House of Representatives, dey goin’ vote on da recommendation as soon as Friday.

Da five-memba GOP-led investigative committee, dey meet on Wednesday fo’ discuss da allegations of wrongdoing against Paxton, one fellow Republican and da top lawyer fo’ da state.🐦💭

Investigators fo’ da House General Investigating committee, dey tell da panel dat get evidence dat Paxton, him stay repeatedly breaking da state laws, including misuse of official information, abuse of official capacity, and retaliation.

Paxton, him tweet dat da allegations against him stay based on “hearsay and gossip, parroting long-disproven claims” and being championed by “RINOs” – Republicans in name only.🔍🔒

Chris Hilton, da chief of general litigation fo’ Paxton’s office, him call da committee’s probe “illegal.” Him say “impeachment is completely foreclosed by Texas law” in Paxton’s case, cuz da alleged misconduct stay before his most recent election.

Some of da allegations against Paxton, dey go back years.🚨

Da Texas House committee stay really getting serious, yeah? Dem no playing around when dey make da recommendation fo’ impeachum Attorney General Ken Paxton. Da committee stay all led by da GOP, and dey voting unanimous-like. Paxton, him going face da consequences fo’ his alleged wrongdoing.👨‍⚖️📜

Da investigators fo’ da House General Investigating committee, dey lay it all out, yeah? Dey telling da panel dat Paxton, him stay breaking da laws left and right. He stay misusing official information, abusing his power, and even retaliating against people. No small ting, brah. Da evidence stay stacking up against Paxton.💬

But Paxton, him no taking dis lightly, yeah? He going on Twitter fo’ defend himself. Him saying da allegations all based on rumors and old news. He calling out da people who supporting da investigation, calling dem “RINOs” – Republicans in name only. Him trying fo’ brush it off, but da committee, dey stay serious.👨‍⚖️🔍📝

Hilton, da big shot from Paxton’s office, him saying da committee stay going against da law, yeah? He claiming dat impeachum no can happen cuz da alleged wrongdoing stay from way back, before Paxton’s latest election. But da committee, dey stay doing their job. Dey digging deep, looking at all da evidence.⏳🔙

Dis no new ting, brah. Some of da allegations against Paxton, dey go back years. People been talking about dis fo’ long time. But now, da committee, dey stay saying “enough is enough.” Dey stay recommending impeachment and remobal from office. Da state House of Representatives, dey goin’ vote soon, and Paxton, him better be ready fo’ whatever come his way.🗳️✅

Da decision stay in da hands of da Representatives now. Dey get da power fo’ vote on da recommendation. Da people waiting fo’ justice, dey watching closely. Dey want to see if da House goin’ hold Paxton accountable fo’ his actions. It stay one important moment fo’ da state, one moment dat goin’ set da tone fo’ da future.🌄🤔

Dis stay one big story, yeah? Da Texas House committee, dey making headlines all ova da place. Da allegations against Paxton, dey shaking up da political scene. But one ting fo’ sure, da people, dey looking fo’ answers. Dey looking fo’ justice. Da future of Texas, it stay hanging in da balance, and only time goin’ tell what goin’ happen next.📅

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