A drawing of Donald Trump in NYC

🇺🇸💥 Trump and His Gang Getting Ready for 2025: Da Plan for More Powah

⬇️ Pidgin | ⬇️ ⬇️ English

Aloha, gang! Get ready for hear dis one: Donald J. Trump and his crew stay already plotting for if he wins da presidency again in 2024. Dey talking about plans for make things even more wild than his first term. Dis not small kine news, braddahs and sistahs! 🗳️🔨

In his first rally for da 2024 campaign, Trump wen’ declare, “I am your retribution.” He stay talking big, saying he goin’ use da Justice Department for go aftah his political opponents, starting with President Biden and his ohana (family). 😤👊

Underneath all these big kine words, get one bunch of plans from Trump and his allies for change up some major stuff in American governance, democracy, foreign policy, and da rule of law if he gets back in da White House.

Some of these kine ideas go back to da last part of Trump’s time as president. By then, his main advisers wen’ learn how for use powah more effectively, and Trump wen’ fire guys who wen’ resist his ideas, replacing them with guys who stay loyal to him. Then he wen’ lose da 2020 election and was out of da big chair. 🚫👨‍⚖️

Since he wen’ leave office, Trump’s advisers and allies at some well-funded groups stay working on policies, creating lists of potential personnel, and shaping new legal structures — all for set up for one second Trump presidency starting Jan. 20, 2025. 📅📈

In one kind vague statement, two top officials on Trump’s campaign wen’ try for separate his campaign team from some plans being made by Trump’s outside allies. Dey wen’ call news reports about da campaign’s personnel and policy intentions “purely speculative and theoretical.” 🤷‍♂️📰

Da plans we talking about here mostly come from what Trump stay saying on da campaign trail, what stay on his campaign website, and talks with Trump advisers.

Trump stay planning for use da Justice Department for take revenge on his political enemies. He said he goin’ appoint “a real special prosecutor” for go aftah President Biden and his ohana. He wen’ tell Univision dat if somebody challenge him politically, he could, if he like, have that person indicted. 😠👨‍⚖️

Trump’s allies stay developing one intellectual blueprint for throw away da post-Watergate norm of Justice Department investigatory independence from White House political direction.

Trump, in his 2016 campaign, wen’ promise for “lock up” his opponent, Hillary Clinton, and wen’ keep telling aides he like da Justice Department for indict his political enemies. But da Justice Department opened various such investigations but neva bring charges, which wen’ make Trump mad and lead to one split in 2020 with his attorney general, William P. Barr. 🔐🔍

He get plans for one massive crackdown on immigration. Millions of undocumented immigrants could get barred from da country or removed from it years aftah they wen’ settle here. With extra agents from oddah federal law enforcement agencies, state police, and da National Guard, officials with Immigration and Customs Enforcement would carry out big raids for deport millions of people each year. Dey goin’ use military funds for build big camps for hold undocumented detainees. One public-health emergency law would get invoked for shut down asylum requests by people arriving at da border. And da government would try for end birthright citizenship for babies born on U.S. soil to undocumented parents. 🚔🚫

Trump get plans for use U.S. military force closer to home. While in office, he wen’ think about using da military for attack drug cartels in Mexico. Dat idea has since taken on broader Republican backing, and Trump intends for make da idea reality if he returns to da Oval Office.

Even though da Posse Comitatus Act generally makes it illegal for use federal troops for domestic law enforcement purposes, anoddah law called da Insurrection Act creates an exception. Trump wanted for invoke da Insurrection Act for use troops for crack down on protesters aftah da 2020 police killing of George Floyd, but was stopped. Da idea remains important among his advisers. Dey say dey would invoke da Insurrection Act at da southern border for use soldiers for intercept and detain undocumented migrants. 👮‍♂️🔒

Trump and his gang also want more control over da federal bureaucracy and work force. Dey like increase presidential power over federal agencies, centralizing more control over da whole government machinery in da White House. Dey adopting one maximalist version of da so-called unitary executive theory, which says da president can directly command da

entire federal bureaucracy and dat it’s unconstitutional for Congress for create independent decision-making authority.

As part of dat plan, Trump also intends for bring back one effort from da end of his presidency for change civil-service rules dat protect career government professionals. Dat would let him fire tens of thousands of federal workers and replace them with loyalists. Aftah Congress neva enact legislation for block such a change, da Biden administration is developing a regulation for essentially Trump-proof da federal work force. But since dat is just an executive action, da next Republican president could simply undo it da same way.

Trump allies want lawyers who no goin’ restrain him. Politically appointed lawyers sometimes frustrated Trump’s desires by raising legal objections to his and his top advisers’ ideas. Dis dynamic has led to a quiet split on da right, as Trump loyalists view da typical Federalist Society lawyer — basically a mainstream Republican conservative — with disdain.

In one potential new term, Trump’s allies planning for systematically install more aggressive and ideologically aligned legal gatekeepers who more likely for okay contentious actions. Trump and his 2024 campaign declined for answer a series of detailed questions about what limits, if any, he would recognize on his powers across a range of war, secrecy and law enforcement matters — many raised by his first term — in a New York Times 2024 presidential candidate survey. 📚💡

So, das da story, gang! Trump and his allies getting ready for 2025, and dey get some big kine plans for take even more powah if he gets back in da White House. Stay tuned for see how dis one goin’ play out! 🇺🇸🔥🤙🏽


🇺🇸💥 Trump and Allies Gearing Up for Potential 2025 Power Play

Hey there, folks! Here’s some news that’s making waves: Donald J. Trump and his allies are already mapping out a blueprint for a potential second Trump presidency, aiming to push an agenda even more intense than his first term. 🗳️🔨

At the kickoff rally for his 2024 presidential campaign, Trump made a bold statement, declaring himself as a tool for retribution. He’s been vocal about his plans to use the Justice Department to target his political adversaries, starting with President Biden and his family. 😤👊

But that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Behind these public declarations lies a series of strategies by Trump and his allies that could radically alter the foundations of American governance, democracy, foreign policy, and the rule of law if he regains power in the White House.

These ideas have their roots in the latter part of Trump’s previous term. By that time, his key advisers had honed their skills in wielding power effectively. Trump had dismissed officials who opposed some of his actions and filled their spots with loyalists. This all changed when he lost the 2020 election. 🚫👨‍⚖️

Since exiting office, Trump’s advisers and allies across a network of well-funded groups have been busy. They’re advancing policies, compiling lists of potential personnel, and building new legal frameworks, all in preparation for what they hope will be a second Trump presidency beginning on January 20, 2025. 📅📈

In a somewhat vague statement, top officials from Trump’s campaign have tried to distance his campaign team from some plans developed by his external allies. These groups, led by former senior Trump administration officials, have been reported to be in direct contact with him. The statement labeled news reports about the campaign’s personnel and policy intentions as “purely speculative and theoretical.” 🤷‍♂️📰

The plans mentioned here mainly come from Trump’s statements on the campaign trail, content on his campaign website, and interviews with Trump advisers.

Trump aims to wield the Justice Department as a tool for vengeance against his political foes. If re-elected, he has expressed intentions to use the Justice Department to investigate and potentially charge his adversaries with crimes. He’s mentioned appointing a special prosecutor to target President Biden and his family and suggested that political challengers could face indictment. 😠👨‍⚖️

Trump’s allies are also working on an intellectual framework to dismiss the post-Watergate standard of independence for Justice Department investigations from White House political directives.

Echoing actions from his 2016 campaign where he threatened to “lock up” Hillary Clinton, Trump repeatedly expressed his desire as president for the Justice Department to indict his political enemies. This led to tensions and eventually a split with his then-attorney general, William P. Barr, in 2020. 🔐🔍

Trump is planning a drastic immigration crackdown, unprecedented in modern American history. Millions of undocumented immigrants could face exclusion or removal from the U.S., even after years of residency. Officials from Immigration and Customs Enforcement, bolstered by agents from other federal law enforcement agencies, state police, and the National Guard, are expected to conduct extensive raids. Military funds might be used to construct detainment camps, and a public-health emergency law could be invoked to halt asylum requests. There’s also a proposal to end birthright citizenship for children born in the U.S. to undocumented parents. 🚔🚫

In terms of domestic military use, Trump has considered deploying the military against drug cartels in Mexico, a move that would breach international law without Mexico’s consent. This idea has gained traction among Republicans, and Trump plans to make it a reality if he returns to office. While the Posse Comitatus Act generally prohibits using federal troops for domestic law enforcement, the Insurrection Act provides an exception. Trump’s top immigration adviser has mentioned using the Insurrection Act at the southern border to deploy soldiers for intercepting and detaining undocumented migrants. 👮‍♂️🔒

Furthermore, Trump and his allies seek to consolidate power over the federal bureaucracy and workforce. They embrace an expansive interpretation of the unitary executive theory, advocating for direct presidential command over the entire federal bureaucracy. Trump also intends to revisit a plan from his previous term to change civil-service rules, allowing for the dismissal of thousands of federal workers in favor of loyalists. 📚💡

In a potential second term, Trump’s allies plan to install more ideologically aligned legal gatekeepers who are less likely to challenge contentious actions. This strategy follows frustrations in Trump’s first term where politically appointed lawyers often raised legal objections to his ideas, leading to a divide among conservatives.

So, that’s the scoop! Trump and his allies are preparing for a potential return to the White House in 2025, with plans to wield power in ways that could significantly reshape American politics and policies. Stay tuned as this story unfolds! 🇺🇸🔥🤙🏽

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