A photo of a man in a Nigerian market

🇳🇬💥 Nigeria Village Tragedy: President Calls for Inquiry After Deadly Strike

⬇️ Pidgin | ⬇️ ⬇️ English

Aloha, people. Get one big kine sad news from Nigeria. Da President, Bola Ahmed Tinubu, wen call for one full investigation after one military strike wen kill at least 85 civilians, including wahine and keiki. Dis wen happen during one religious celebration in one village in northern Nigeria.

🚨 Da Deadly Night in Tudun Biri
Dis past Sunday night, da small village of Tudun Biri wen experience something terrible. A drone strike wen hit during one religious gathering, causing mass chaos and devastation. Nigeria’s military wen say dey responsible for dis strike. Right now, da count is at least 85 dead and 66 injured, but da search for more bodies is still going on.

Idris Dahiru, one local farmer, wen lose 34 of his ‘ohana in dis strike. He wen talk about how da whole community stay shattered now.

🔍 Nigeria’s Battle with Extremism and the Increasing Use of Airstrikes
Nigeria, one big country in West Africa, been fighting against extremist groups and armed gangs for over ten years. Da military been using more airstrikes, but unfortunately, accidental bombings like dis one happen too often. Security analysts and human rights experts stay concerned about dis.

But dis particular strike on Sunday was da deadliest one yet. Amnesty International even saying da death toll might be close to 120 people.

🕊️ President Tinubu’s Call for Action and Military Response
President Tinubu, who stay at da COP 28 climate conference in the United Arab Emirates, wen express how disturbing and painful dis “bombing mishap” is. He asking for one “thorough and full-fledged investigation.”

Lt. Gen. Taoreed Lagbaja, Nigeria’s chief of army staff, wen go to da village and admit da army was responsible. He wen give his condolences and explain how da aerial patrols wen mistakenly analyze da people’s activities.

🚸 Victims: Mostly Civilians Celebrating Peacefully
Many of da victims wen gather for one Muslim celebration on Sunday night. Mr. Dahiru, da farmer, wen describe da event as harmonious, family-oriented, and nonviolent.

🛑 Nigeria’s Security Crises and Challenges
Nigeria, being da largest economy in Africa, faces multiple security crises. From Boko Haram militants in da northeast to armed gangs in da northwest, da country’s security forces are struggling. President Tinubu, who wen take office in May, promised to tackle these issues, but one comprehensive national security strategy is yet to be published.

📌 International Concerns and U.S. Involvement
Da Biden administration wen approve a nearly $1 billion weapons deal with Nigeria last year, da largest ever made to da country. But now, U.S. lawmakers asking for review dis security partnership because of human rights concerns. Researchers say U.S. weapons keep flowing into Nigeria despite reports of civilian casualties from da Nigerian Armed Forces airstrikes.

🌍 Nigeria as a Regional Security Partner
Despite these concerns, analysts say changes in the U.S. attitude towards Nigeria are unlikely. Nigeria is seen as one reliable security partner in a region full of coups and Islamist insurgencies.

📢 Amnesty International and SBM Intelligence Reports
Isa Sanusi, from Amnesty International in Nigeria, say not one, but two strikes wen kill at least 120 civilians. And SBM Intelligence, one Nigerian risk consultancy, say more than 300 people wen die from airstrikes by da Nigerian Air Force since 2017. But, no comprehensive investigations or compensation for da victims’ families so far.

🔔 Normalization of Civilian Casualties
Sadly, these accidental killings of civilians no more cause outrage anymore. To many Nigerians, these incidents wen become normalized.

So, das da heavy news from Nigeria, where one community wen get torn apart, and now da whole world is watching how da country goin’ respond. 🇳🇬💥🙏🏽


Nigerian Village Catastrophe: President Demands Probe into Lethal Military Strike 🇳🇬💥

Hello, everyone. There’s heartbreaking news coming from Nigeria. President Bola Ahmed Tinubu has demanded a thorough investigation following a military strike that tragically killed at least 85 civilians, many of whom were women and children. This disaster occurred during a religious celebration in a northern Nigerian village.

🚨 Tragic Event in Tudun Biri
Last Sunday night, the small village of Tudun Biri faced an unimaginable horror. A drone strike hit during a religious gathering, leading to chaos and devastation. The Nigerian military has taken responsibility for the strike. Currently, the death toll stands at at least 85, with 66 more injured, and the search for additional victims continues.

Idris Dahiru, a local farmer, lost 34 relatives in the strike, describing how the community has been shattered by the incident.

🔍 Nigeria’s Struggle Against Extremism and Rising Airstrikes
Nigeria, a significant nation in West Africa, has been battling extremist groups and armed gangs for over a decade. The military’s increasing reliance on airstrikes has unfortunately led to too many accidental bombings. Security analysts and human rights experts have expressed deep concern over these incidents.

However, the strike last Sunday was notably the most lethal to date. Amnesty International even suggests that the death toll might be closer to 120 people.

🕊️ President Tinubu Responds with a Call for Investigation
President Tinubu, attending the COP 28 climate conference in the United Arab Emirates, has expressed his distress over this “bombing mishap” and called for a “thorough and full-fledged investigation.”

Lt. Gen. Taoreed Lagbaja, Nigeria’s chief of army staff, visited the village and acknowledged the army’s responsibility. He offered condolences and explained that aerial patrols had mistakenly interpreted the activities of the people as threatening.

🚸 The Victims: Mainly Peaceful Civilians
Many of the victims were partaking in a Muslim celebration on Sunday night. Mr. Dahiru, the farmer, described the event as peaceful, family-oriented, and non-violent.

🛑 Nigeria’s Ongoing Security Crises
Nigeria, the largest economy in Africa, is plagued by various security crises. The northeast is tormented by Boko Haram militants, while the northwest faces issues with armed gangs. Despite President Tinubu’s promises to address these challenges upon his inauguration in May, a comprehensive national security strategy is still pending.

📌 Global Concerns and the Role of the U.S.
Last year, the Biden administration approved a nearly $1 billion weapons deal with Nigeria, the largest ever for the country. However, U.S. lawmakers are now calling for a review of this security partnership due to rising concerns over human rights violations. Despite reports of civilian casualties from Nigerian Armed Forces airstrikes, the U.S. continues to supply weapons to Nigeria.

🌍 Nigeria’s Importance as a Security Ally
Despite these concerns, analysts believe that a shift in U.S. policy towards Nigeria is unlikely, as the country is viewed as a stable security partner in a region fraught with coups and Islamist insurgencies.

📢 Reports from Amnesty International and SBM Intelligence
Isa Sanusi from Amnesty International in Nigeria reported that not one, but two strikes, killed at least 120 civilians. SBM Intelligence, a Nigerian risk consultancy, states that over 300 people have died from airstrikes by the Nigerian Air Force since 2017, with no comprehensive investigations or compensation for the victims’ families.

🔔 The Normalization of Civilian Casualties
Regrettably, the accidental killing of civilians no longer sparks outrage. For many Nigerians, such incidents have become a normalized part of life.

That’s the grim reality from Nigeria, where a community has been torn apart, and the world is watching to see how the country will respond. 🇳🇬💥🙏🏽

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