Snow in South Africa

❄️🌍 Brah, Check It Out! Snow Stay Fall In Jo’burg Aftah One Long Time

⬇️ Pidgin | ⬇️ ⬇️ English

Ho, wow, you evah seen snow in Africa? Nah, right? Well, hold on to your rubber slippers because on top Monday, plenny parts of Johannesburg wen get one light dusting of snow, and had all kine kids and adults all rushing to da parks and playgrounds for check ’em out! 🏞️👩‍👩‍👧‍👦

Dis week, for da first time in more than one decade, snow stay fall in Johannesburg. Stay cause all da local peeps for go nuts, all excited fo’ see da kine rare winter kine wonderland. ❄️🤩🏙️

Da South Africa Weather Service wen confirm on Monday dat snow stay fall inside Gauteng, one province wea Johannesburg stay. Had reports of snow falling over da Eastern Cape too. 🌨️🌍🇿🇦

You know, some parts of South Africa, dey used to da snow during their winter months, June to August. But, da last time snow wen fall in Johannesburg was in 2012 and before dat, 2007. One professor from University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, her name Jennifer Fitchett, she wen tell da South African newspaper TimesLIVE. “Happens one time every 10 years or so,” she said. “We not one area dat get plenty snowfall, and dat’s part cause we get dry conditions in da winter. We get one strong, high pressure cell, das why we no get rain, or just small kine rain, during da winter months.” ❄️📚🌬️

However, conditions were perfect fo’ snow across plenny parts of da city on Monday, and had residents of all ages rushing outside fo’ enjoy da fluffy flakes. Had all kine pictures and videos on top social media wea you can see kids making snow angels and snowballs in da neighborhood parks and playgrounds. Fo’ oddahs, life just went on same as always. 📸🎥❄️⛄

One primary school teachah, her name Agnes Mideva, she wen tell da BBC dat her students stay soak up da experience. “Some of da students and me, we wen go out fo’ explore,” she said. “Had some of dem who wen see snow before, but some thought was just raining.” ☔❄️🏫

Ms. Fitchett wen tell TimesLIVE dat it’s not usual fo’ snow fo’ pile up in Johannesburg, wea da snow usually jus’ melt soon as it hit da ground. “Our snowfall events, usually dey short, only couple hours,” she wen say. “Usually, our snowfalls in Johannesburg no stay more than one day.” ⏳❄️

Even tho’ da snow look all pretty, it can make fo’ dangerous travel conditions and can be particularly dangerous fo’ areas dat not used to ’em. Da Johannesburg Roads Agency wen warn drivers on Monday morning fo’ be extra careful and watch out fo’ pedestrians. “With today’s snow and sleet in Joburg, roads stay jammed, and hard fo’ see,” da officials wen say. 🚗⚠️❄️

So, dea you go, brah. Even in da land of da sun, sometimes you get snow, too. And even if stay only fo’ one day, dat one day can be full of joy and wonder fo’ da peeps of Johannesburg! So, nex’ time you tink you seen everything, jus’ rememba dis day. Rememba da day wen snow wen fall in Africa, and how everybody wen rush outside fo’ enjoy da snowfall. ❄️🌞🎉


❄️🌍 Dude, Can You Believe It? Snow Falls in Johannesburg After A Long While

Have you ever seen snow in Africa? No, right? Well, grab onto your flip-flops because on Monday, many areas of Johannesburg received a light dusting of snow, leading numerous children and adults to dash to parks and playgrounds to witness it! 🏞️👩‍👩‍👧‍👦

This week, for the first time in more than ten years, snow fell in Johannesburg. It caused a flurry of excitement among residents, who were eager to experience the unusual winter wonderland. ❄️🤩🏙️

South Africa’s Weather Service confirmed on Monday that snow was falling in the province of Gauteng, where Johannesburg is located. Snow was also reported over the Eastern Cape. 🌨️🌍🇿🇦

Certain parts of South Africa are accustomed to snow during the winter months, from June to August. However, the last time it snowed in Johannesburg was in 2012 and before that, in 2007. Jennifer Fitchett, a professor from the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, informed the South African newspaper TimesLIVE. “It happens once every ten years or so,” she said. “We’re not an area that sees a lot of snowfall, and that’s partly because we have dry conditions in winter. We’ve got a strong, high-pressure cell, which is why we don’t get any or very little rain in winter months.” ❄️📚🌬️

Nevertheless, conditions were conducive to snow across many parts of the city on Monday, and residents of all ages took advantage of the fluffy flakes. Images and videos on social media depicted children making snow angels and snowballs in local parks and playgrounds. For others, life went on as usual. 📸🎥❄️⛄

Agnes Mideva, a primary school teacher, told the BBC that her students enjoyed the phenomenon. “Some of the pupils and I went out to explore,” she said. “Some of them had seen snow before whereas others thought it was raining.” ☔❄️🏫

Ms. Fitchett informed TimesLIVE that it’s unusual for snow to accumulate in Johannesburg, where the snow typically melts as soon as it touches the ground. “Our snowfall events are usually short-lived, they’re only a couple of hours,” she said. “Usually, our snowfalls in Johannesburg do not last more than a day.” ⏳❄️

Despite the beautiful sight, snow can create hazardous travel conditions and could be particularly dangerous for areas that rarely experience it. The Johannesburg Roads Agency warned drivers on Monday morning to exercise extra caution and to be wary of pedestrians. “With today’s snow and sleet in Joburg, roads are congested, and visibility is poor,” officials said. 🚗⚠️❄️

So, there you have it, folks. Even in the land of the sun, snow sometimes makes an appearance too. And even if it’s only for a day, that one day can be filled with joy and wonder for the people of Johannesburg! So, the next time you think you’ve seen it all, just remember this day. Remember the day when snow fell in Africa, and how everyone rushed outside to enjoy the snowfall. ❄️🌞🎉

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