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⚽💔🗣 No Mo’ Dreams of Da Women’s World Cup Cause of One Stink Mystery

⬇️ Pidgin | ⬇️ ⬇️ English

A mean-kine assault case stay shaking one of France’s bestest soccer teams, and still no mo’ kōkua even though plenny guys wen’ get arrested. Da main players all had fo’ pay one heavy price.

Dis story stay about how Aminata Diallo, one 28-year-old French soccer player, wen’ end up in one stink cell at da Hôtel de Police in Versailles. Da first time she evah wen’ hear da name Tonya Harding was in there.

Harding, she one decorated American figure skater. She got all kind fame cause she wen’ get involved in one big assault case right befo’ da 1994 Winter Olympics. Da scandal wen’ lead to worldwide attention and latah on, one movie about her. But to Diallo, dis was all new. She nevah know who Harding was. But da police, they had reason fo’ asking her about dis Harding.

Harding’s rival, Nancy Kerrigan, wen’ get whacked on da legs by one unknown man, all fo’ make sure she no could compete. Now, in France, one generation later, da police thinking da same kind action wen’ happen to Kheira Hamraoui, who was Diallo’s teammate at da French club Paris St.-Germain. Hamraoui wen’ get pulled out of Diallo’s car on one cold November night in 2021 and, just like Kerrigan, wen’ get hit on her legs fo’ make sure she stay hurt.

Took almost one year, and anothah time in jail fo’ Diallo, befo’ da police officer’s random question wen’ turn into one formal accusation. Prosecutors last September wen’ charge Diallo with serious assault for da attack on Hamraoui. Da court documents and leaks to da French news media wen’ say Diallo was da mastermind behind dis premeditated attack. Da goal, they say, was to take out one rival so Diallo could make da lineup at P.S.G., one of da best teams in women’s soccer, and play for da French national team in da Women’s World Cup, which starts July 20.

“Plenny people like say was me, but das not how stay,” Diallo wen’ say in one interview in Spain, wea she was trying to rebuild her career. “Tonya Harding, she wen’ do ’em. But not me.”🙅‍♀️🇫🇷⚽

Da whole thing still get doubts, and questions. Da case stay drawing interest cause get similarities to da old scandal, get themes of race and professional rivalry, and get one crazy cast of elite women’s athletes and shadowy characters.

Diallo’s guilt or innocence no mo’ clear today than when she first wen’ show up at da police station in Versailles. No trial date yet, but da consequences still going on. Some friendships wen’ pau, one marriage too. Two locker rooms stay divided. Diallo wen’ get kicked out from Paris. Hamraoui too, she stay kind like one outcast, some teammates wen’ kick her out, and her club wen’ force her leave. 🏢⚽🛫

Da police, they stay say Diallo’s text messages and some suspicious internet searches, plus one claim by one of da men charged in da assault that he was acting fo’ Diallo, wen’ help them figure out was her, even though he admit da order nevah come straight from her.

Diallo and her lawyers stay say the charges are just da actions of one desperate police force trying fo’ get convictions in one high-profile case, and that da case stay based on weak connections and unreliable sources. Diallo said she like see da documentary offers as some kind of compensation for everything she lost, like da privacy and anonymity she once had as a solid, if not spectacular, soccer professional, but also fo’ da new contract with P.S.G. that she stay sure was coming befo’ da attack wen’ change da direction of her career and life.

“I tink for them, interesting whether I guilty or not,” Diallo wen’ say about da filmmakers who wen’ come see her. Da charges she stay facing — three counts of serious assault and criminal assault — came after her second time in custody and wen’ come with one order not fo’ enter Paris or talk with her old teammates on P.S.G. So she wen’ end up in Spain, eating patatas bravas and garlic shrimp at one beach restaurant in Valencia, her career only saved cause she get one short-term deal to play for Levante, but that stay pau now.

Hamraoui, she no stay with P.S.G. no more; she wen’ get released at da end of da season after not being offered one new deal. But she nevah leave quietly: On her way out, she wen’ accuse da club of treating her different from her teammates, of making her da victim again.

“In addition to da trauma I wen’ go through that night, I would face dis kind coldness, dis cruelty, maybe even abuse toward me,” Hamraoui wen’ write in one book recently that got serialized in da French sports newspaper L’Equipe. “Da team no talk to me no more, and P.S.G. only get one goal: that I leave as fast as possible,” Hamraoui said. “They treat me like I get one bad sickness.”

In Spain, Diallo’s life wen’ become one simple version of what wen’ come before. Outside of training, she stay mostly alone at one rented apartment. She nevah really standout fo’ her new team, and often was used as a substitute, one role she was thankful fo’, and accepted.

“I found ’em hard fo’ reach da top level,” she said as da season was winding down. “I lost da joy fo’ play. I playing with injustice.”

Diallo, she stay say she was wronged, that she also one victim in da Hamraoui thing. Investigators in France, they say she stay at da heart of da conspiracy. Details of their case, wen’ leak to da French news media, and paint Diallo as da one behind da attack on Hamraoui. Da men who stay charged with da assault, they told da police they thought they was acting fo’ Diallo, who was driving da car when it was stopped and when Hamraoui was pulled out and beaten on her legs with one iron bar. Da police wen’ find text messages from Diallo badmouthing Hamraoui after they wen’ take her phone and computer, and they wen’ find online searches for stuff like “breaking a kneecap” and “deadly cocktail of drugs.”

In one interview last November at da office of her lawyers in Paris, right after she was formally charged, Diallo offered some explanations. Da police ignored all da good things she said about Hamraoui to her friends and associates, she said. Da online searches not unusual, she argued, fo’ one athlete worried about injuries and health.

But she also stay say that her race and background — she one Black woman from one working-class neighborhood in Grenoble — wen’ not only make da police jump to conclusions about her, but others tooCraze Kine Assault Case Shak’ One French Soccer Team And Still No Moa Solutions 😲👮‍♀️⚽

Dis mad story dat wen’ mash up two wahine’s World Cup dreams still stay one big buggah mystery. Aminata Diallo, one 28-year-old French soccer player, she wen’ get hauled from her stink holding cell go one interview room inside da Hôtel de Police in Versailles. Dat was da first time she wen’ hear da name Tonya Harding. 😮

Dis Tonya Harding name, if you guys rememba, get one big kine notoriety in da sports world. She was dis high makamaka American figure skater dat was right dea in da middle of one stink case dat had to do with da assault of her main rival jus’ befo’ da 1994 Winter Olympics. Dat kine scandal — one sudden and violent attack by some mystery man; everybody making accusations and denials; tabloid headlines — wen’ cause plenty attention all ova da world, and years later, had one full movie about Harding. But to Diallo, who was just being taken up one police station stairwell, when dey wen’ mention da name — “You wen’ hear about Tonya Harding?” — only had one clueless face. 😕

Real quick like, Diallo wen’ learn dat da police get one good reason fo’ asking.

Harding’s rival, Nancy Kerrigan, she was one victim of one guy who wen’ hammer her legs jus’ fo’ keep her from competing. Now, in France, one generation later, da police wen’ suspect da same kine motive in one attack on Kheira Hamraoui, Diallo’s teammate for da French club Paris St.-Germain. Hamraoui wen’ get dragged out of Diallo’s car on one mean cold night in November 2021 and, jus’ like Kerrigan, wen’ get beaten on her legs in one clear attempt fo’ injure her. 😣💔

It wen’ take almost one year, and one more time in lock up for Diallo, befo’ da police officer’s offhand question turned into one formal accusation. Prosecutors las’ September wen’ charge Diallo with aggravated assault in da attack on Hamraoui. All da documents in da case and leaks to da French news media wen’ accuse Diallo of being da mastermind behind one planned attack. Da goal, so da theory goes, was fo’ get rid of one rival for Diallo’s spot in da lineup at P.S.G., one of da best teams in women’s soccer, and on da roster of da French national team, who gonna be one of da favorites at da Women’s World Cup, which starts July 20. 😟🏆

“Plenny people like make like was me, but dass not da real kine,” Diallo wen’ say in one interview in Spain, where she was trying fo’ make her career come back. “Tonya Harding, she wen’ do ’em. I neva.” 🙅‍♀️

Jus’ like da old kine scandal, dis case get all kine similarities; get themes of race and professional rivalry; and get one odd kine cast of elite women’s athletes and shadowy characters, no surprise dat da case still stay attracting interest, or dat get guys trying fo’ make competing documentary projects. 😱🎥

Diallo’s guilt or innocence is still just as unclear today as it was dat morning in da police station in Versailles. No mo’ trial date yet announced. But da fallout stay continuing fo’ spread. Friendships wen’ break up, had at least one marriage wen’ end. Two locker rooms wen’ split. Diallo was kicked out from Paris. Hamraoui, too, wen’ become one outcast in her own way, wen’ get shunned by some of her teammates and finally wen’ get forced out of her club. 😭💔

Da police’s case seems to depend on text messages wen’ send by Diallo, some suspicious web searches and one claim by at least one of da guys charged in da assault dat he was doing it for Diallo, even though he admitted dat da order neva come directly from her. 😵💻

Diallo and her legal team stay insisting dat da charges are just da actions of one desperate police force looking fo’ secure convictions in one high-profile case, of one case built on weak connections and untrustworthy sources. Diallo said she look at da documentary offers as some kind of payback for everything dat she wen’ lose, like da privacy and da unknown status she once enjoyed as one steady, even if not flashy, soccer professional, but, more tangibly, for da new contract with P.S.G. dat she stay claiming was all set before da attack wen’ change da direction of her career and life. 📑💔

“I tink for dem it’s interesting whether I am guilty or not,” Diallo said of da filmmakers who wen’ approach her.

Hamraoui wen’ leave P.S.G., too; she was let go at da end of da season after not being offered a new deal. Her departure was not one quiet one: On her way out, she wen’ accuse da club of treating her different from her teammates, of victimizing her again. 😠💥

“In addition to da trauma I wen’ suffer dat night, I would face this indifference, this cruelty, not to say a form of abuse toward me,” Hamraoui wrote in a book published recently dat has been serialized in da French sports newspaper L’Equipe. “The squad no longer talks to me, and P.S.G. only get one goal: dat I leave as fast as possible,” Hamraoui said. “Dey treat me like one leper.” 😷👎

In Spain, Diallo’s life wen’ become one stripped-down version of what went before. Apart from training sessions, she spent most of her time alone at a rented apartment. She was not a standout for her new team, and was often used as a substitute, a role she was grateful for, and accepted. “I’ve found it hard to find the top, top level,” she said as the now finished season meandered toward its end. “I’ve lost the pleasure to play. I’m playing with injustice.” 😔⚽

Investigators in France contend she is at the heart of the conspiracy. Details of their case, leaked to the French news media, paint Diallo as the driving force of the attack on Hamraoui. The men who have been charged with the assault itself are said to have told the police that they believed they were acting on behalf of Diallo, who was driving the car when it was stopped and when Hamraoui was yanked out and beaten on her legs with an iron bar. 😵💔

But she also contends that her race and background — she is a Black woman from a working-class neighborhood in Grenoble — had not only led the police to jump to conclusions about her, but others as well. “In France, when there’s a case like that, the media are quick to assume that you’re guilty,” she said. “They are going to bring up where you’re from right away, which is an argument toKapakahi Dacase: Da Futbol wahine wen lose dea World Cup Dreams 🌍⚽💔

Aminata Diallo, one French soccer star from da bestest team, still gotta fight dis one beeg kine assault case, no matta how many guys stay locked up. Da main kine players inside dis drama all wen pay one big price, li’dat 💰💥.

Firs time Aminata Diallo heard da name Tonya Harding wen she stay walking from her stink cell going inside da interview room inside da Versailles Hôtel de Police. Tonya Harding, everybody know, was dis one super cool figure skater from America. She was in da middle of one scandal right before da 1994 Winter Olympics. Dis mystery guy wen whack her biggest rival for no reason 🤔🔨⛸.

Da whole world wen look at dis scandal, had tabloid headlines, had one movie about Harding afta. But to Diallo, dis 28-year-old soccer player from France being walked up da police station stairs, hearing her name made her go, “Who?” 🤷‍♀️👀

But Diallo would soon learn why da police even asked about Harding.

Harding’s rival, Nancy Kerrigan, got attacked by one man who wen whack her on da legs, so she no can compete. Now, da same kine thing wen happen to Kheira Hamraoui, Diallo’s teammate from da French club Paris St.-Germain, one generation later, right in France. Hamraoui got dragged out from Diallo’s car on one cold November night in 2021 and, just like Kerrigan, got whacked on her legs fo’ injure her 🚗❄️💥.

It took almost one year and another time wen Diallo stay locked up, before da police officer’s random question turned into one formal charge. Prosecutors last September wen charge Diallo with aggravated assault in da attack on Hamraoui. Da case documents and leaks to da French news media wen accuse Diallo of planning da whole thing. Da theory, they say, was fo’ get rid of her rival for one spot on the team at P.S.G., one of da bestest teams in women’s soccer, and on da roster of the French national team, which going be one of da favorites at da Women’s World Cup, starting July 20 🏆🌍⚽.

But Diallo, she said in one interview in Spain, “Plenny people like fo’ think was me, but das not da reality,”. “Tonya Harding, she wen do it. Not me” 🇪🇸🗣.

Da Case Still Get Plenty Questions 🧐💼

Da case still stay interesting fo’ plenny people because it get all kine similarities to da old kine scandal; get themes of race and professional rivalry; get all kine interesting women athletes and shadowy figures, no surprise get competing documentary projects all ova 🎥💡.

Even now, still no clear if Diallo guilty or not, just like how it was dat morning inside da police station in Versailles. Still no more trial date set. But da effects of da case keep spreading. Friendships ended, had one marriage fall apart, two locker rooms wen split, Diallo got exiled from Paris. Hamraoui, she also wen become one exile in her own way, some of her teammates wen leave her out and eventually she had to leave her club 🚫👯‍♀️💔.

Da police’s case supposedly rests on text messages Diallo sent, some suspicious web searches, and at least one of da guys who got charged with the assault claim he was doing it for Diallo, even if he wen admit da order never come directly from her 📱💻🔎.

Diallo and her legal team say da charges are just because da police all desperate fo’ make convictions in this high-profile case, say da case only get flimsy connections and cannot trust da sources 🧐👩‍⚖️👮‍♀️.

She views all da documentary offers like some kind of payback for all da things she lost, like her privacy, da anonymity she used to enjoy as one solid soccer professional, and more importantly, for the new contract with P.S.G. that she say was almost pono before the attack wen change the direction of her career and life 🎥💼🔄.

“I think for them it’s interesting whether I am guilty or not,” Diallo said about the filmmakers who wen approach her.

Da charges she facing — three counts of aggravated assault and criminal assault — came after her second time in custody and were with one order not to enter Paris or talk story with her old teammates on P.S.G. That was how she found herself in Spain this spring, nibbling patatas bravas and garlic shrimp at one beachside restaurant in Valencia, her career only saved by one short-term deal to play for Levante, which now stay pau 🍤🏝⚽.

Hamraoui wen leave P.S.G., too; she got let go at da end of the season afta not being offered a new deal. Her departure was not one quiet one: On her way out, she accused da club of treating her different from her teammates, of victimizing her again.

“In addition to the trauma I suffered that night, I would face this indifference, this cruelty, not to say a form of abuse toward me,” Hamraoui wrote in one book recently published and serialized in the French sports newspaper L’Equipe 📖📰🇫🇷.

“Da squad no longer speaks to me, and P.S.G. only like that I leave as quickly as possible,” Hamraoui said. “They treat me like I got da plague” 🤮🚫.

In Spain, Diallo’s life became one simplified version of what was before. Besides training sessions, she spend most of her time alone at one rented apartment. She wasn’t standout for her new team, and often was used as one substitute, one role she was grateful for, and accepted.

“I’ve found it difficult to find the top, top level,” she said as the now finished season meandered toward its conclusion. “I’ve lost the pleasure to play. I’m playing with injustice”.

Diallo maintains that she has been wronged, that she also a victim in the Hamraoui affair. Investigators in France say she at the heart of the conspiracy.

Details of their case, leaked to the French news media, paint Diallo as the one pushing for the attack on Hamraoui. The men who got charged with the assault are said to have told the police that they believed they were acting on behalf of Diallo, who was driving the car when it was stopped and when Hamraoui was yanked out and beaten on her legs with an iron bar. Text messages from Diallo talking stink about Hamraoui were discovered after the police took her cellphone and computer, as were online searches for phrases like “breaking a kneecap” and “deadly cocktail of drugs” 🚗🔨📱💻.

In one interview last November at the offices of her lawyers in Paris,Diallo wen shake her head wen hear all da things da police say she wen do. “All this is false,” she said. She talked story about how, on da night of da attack, she had been supposed to drop off Hamraoui at her home, just like any other time, and how everything was normal until da car was stopped by two guys in dark clothes, and how scared she was when Hamraoui got yanked from da car and attacked. Her lawyers showed da reports from a private investigator they hired to poke holes in da police case and photographs of da injuries Diallo said she got when she tried to fight back.

Her team believe dat she was set up, dat da texts and the web searches were planted, and dat the man who said he did the attack for Diallo only said that cause he was threatened by the police.

Diallo still hold on to her dreams of playing soccer, even though she no can play in da World Cup. She only wants her name cleared, and for da people to stop making her out to be a villain. “I have lost a lot,” she said, “but I haven’t lost everything.” She believes dat da truth will come out, and wen it does, she can finally move on and live her life again.

But da case is far from being pau, and it’s hard to say what da future will bring for Diallo. For now, she can only wait and hope dat she will one day be able to prove her innocence and get back to da game she loves ⚽❤️⏳.


⚽💔🗣 The Shattered Dreams of Women’s Football

Aminata Diallo, a star of French soccer, has a big legal battle ahead of her, irrespective of the individuals already in custody. All the major players in this drama have paid a heavy price 💰💥.

The first time Aminata Diallo heard the name Tonya Harding was while she was walking from her cramped cell into the interview room at the Versailles Hôtel de Police. Harding, well-known as a celebrated American figure skater, was implicated in a scandal right before the 1994 Winter Olympics. A mystery man had attacked her primary competitor, seemingly without motive 🤔🔨⛸.

The incident was scrutinized worldwide, causing a media frenzy and even leading to a movie about Harding. However, to Diallo, a 28-year-old French soccer player being ushered up the stairs of the police station, the name drew a blank 🤷‍♀️👀.

Soon, Diallo would understand why the police were discussing Harding.

Harding’s rival, Nancy Kerrigan, was assaulted by a man who struck her in the legs, preventing her from competing. Now, a similar event had transpired with Kheira Hamraoui, Diallo’s teammate from the French club Paris St.-Germain, a generation later and on French soil. Hamraoui was pulled from Diallo’s car on a cold November night in 2021 and, like Kerrigan, was struck on the legs to cause injury 🚗❄️💥.

It took almost a year, and another stint in custody for Diallo, before the police officer’s offhand question evolved into formal charges. Last September, prosecutors charged Diallo with aggravated assault in the attack on Hamraoui. Case documents and leaks to the French news media suggested Diallo orchestrated the entire event. The supposed motive was to eliminate her competition for a spot on the team at P.S.G., one of the top-tier teams in women’s soccer, and on the roster of the French national team, which was considered a favorite for the Women’s World Cup, beginning July 20 🏆🌍⚽.

However, Diallo asserted in an interview in Spain, “Many people would like to think it was me, but that’s not the truth,”. “Tonya Harding did it. Not me” 🇪🇸🗣.

The Case Still Raises Many Questions 🧐💼

The case remains intriguing due to its many parallels to the older scandal; it encompasses themes of race and professional rivalry; captivating women athletes and dubious characters, and unsurprisingly, competing documentary projects 🎥💡.

To date, it is unclear if Diallo is guilty, much like that morning at the police station in Versailles. No trial date has been set, but the repercussions of the case continue to ripple out. Friendships have ended, a marriage has collapsed, two locker rooms have divided, Diallo was banished from Paris. Hamraoui also became an outcast in her own way, with teammates isolating her, eventually leading her to depart from her club 🚫👯‍♀️💔.

The police’s case allegedly relies on incriminating text messages sent by Diallo, suspicious web searches, and at least one of the men charged with the assault claiming he was acting on Diallo’s behalf, although he admitted the order did not come directly from her 📱💻🔎.

Diallo and her legal team argue the charges are merely desperate attempts by the police to secure convictions in this high-profile case, asserting the case has weak links and unreliable sources 🧐👩‍⚖️👮‍♀️.

She views the documentary offers as some form of compensation for what she has lost, such as her privacy, the anonymity she once enjoyed as a professional soccer player, and most importantly, for the potential contract with P.S.G. that she claims was nearly finalized before the assault rerouted her career and life 🎥💼🔄.

“I think for them it’s interesting whether I am guilty or not,” Diallo commented on the filmmakers who have approached her.

The charges she faces — three counts of aggravated assault and criminal assault — were presented after her second stint in custody and came with a directive not to enter Paris or interact with her former teammates at P.S.G. This led her to Spain this spring, where she found herself dining on patatas bravas and garlic shrimp at a beachside restaurant in Valencia, her career barely preserved by a short-term deal with Levante, which has now concluded 🍤🏝⚽.

Hamraoui also departed from P.S.G., having been released at the end of the season without being offered a new contract. Her exit was far from quiet: she accused the club of differential treatment compared to her teammates, claiming to be victimized yet again.

“In addition to the trauma I suffered that night, I would face this indifference, this cruelty, not to say a form of abuse toward me,” Hamraoui penned in a recently published book serialized in the French sports newspaper L’Equipe 📖📰🇫🇷.

“The team no longer speaks to me, and P.S.G. would prefer that I leave as quickly as possible,” Hamraoui stated. “They treat me like I’m a plague carrier” 🤮🚫.

In Spain, Diallo’s life was a simplified version of what it once was. Outside training sessions, she spent the majority of her time alone in a rented apartment. She wasn’t a standout player for her new team, often acting as a substitute, a role she gratefully accepted.

“I’ve found it difficult to return to the top level,” she admitted as the now-concluded season drew to its end. “I’ve lost the pleasure of playing. I’m playing under the weight of injustice”.

Diallo insists she has been wronged, that she too is a victim in the Hamraoui saga. Investigators in France argue she is at the core of the conspiracy.

Details of their case, leaked to the French news media, portray Diallo as the instigator of the assault on Hamraoui. The men charged with the attack are reported to have told the police they believed they were acting on behalf of Diallo, who was driving the car when it was halted and when Hamraoui was pulled out and beaten on her legs with an iron bar. Text messages from Diallo denigrating Hamraoui were discovered after the police seized her cellphone and computer, as were online searches for phrases like “breaking a kneecap” and “deadly cocktail of drugs” 🚗🔨📱💻.

In an interview last November at her lawyers’ offices in Paris, Diallo vehemently denied these allegations. “All of this is false,” she stated. She described how, on the night of the attack, she had intended to drop Hamraoui off at her home, as usual, and everything was normal until two men in dark clothes halted the car, and how terrified she was when Hamraoui was dragged from the vehicle and attacked. Her lawyers presented reports from a private investigator they had hired to scrutinize the police case and photographs of the injuries Diallo claims she sustained while attempting to fightoff.

Her defense team argues she was framed, suggesting the text messages and web searches were planted and that the man who admitted to carrying out the attack on Diallo’s behalf only did so because he was coerced by the police.

Despite everything, Diallo clings to her dreams of playing soccer, even if she can’t participate in the World Cup. She yearns for the clearing of her name and an end to her demonization. “I have lost a lot,” she acknowledged, “but I haven’t lost everything.” She firmly believes that the truth will eventually surface, and when it does, she can finally move forward and resume her life.

However, the case is far from over, and it’s uncertain what the future holds for Diallo. All she can do for now is wait, holding onto the hope that she will one day vindicate herself and return to the game she loves ⚽❤️⏳.

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