Elizabeth Holmes

⚖️💉 Elizabeth Holmes Repo’ts to Prison fo’ Begin Mo’ Than 11-Year Sentence 📰

Da disgraced foundah of da blood testin’ start-up Theranos, who wen get convicted of fraud, wen tu’n herself in at one minimum-security prison in Texas. 🚔🏢🤥

Elizabeth Holmes, da shame-faced entrepreneur who wen get convicted of scammin’ investors wit her failed blood testin’ start-up, Theranos, wen show up at one federal prison in Texas on Tuesday fo’ start her 11-year, three-month sentence. ⏳🤥🩸

Ms. Holmes wen give herself up at F.P.C. Bryan, one prison camp fo’ wahine dat stay one low-security kind, ’bout 90 minutes away from Houston. She wen roll up in one Ford Expedition dat looked like her muddah, Noel Holmes, wen drive. Her faddah, Christian Holmes, look like he wen stay inside. 🚗🏢👩‍👧‍👦

Aftah some shufflin’ aroun’, away from da view of da cameras dat stay waitin’ nearby, Elizabeth Holmes wen go inside da facility wearin’ jeans, glasses, an’ one sweater, an’ she wen carry some papers. As she wen walk into da prison, one bystandah watchin’ from da street wen yell her name. 📸👖👓📝

Da 655 inmates at F.P.C. Bryan gotta work in da cafeteria or in one manufacturin’ facility, an’ dey start wit pay of $1.15 an hour, accord’ to da prison’s handbook. Befo’ she start work at da factory, Ms. Holmes might gotta take one test fo’ see where her strengths stay, like in business, clerical work, numbers, logic, mechanics, an’ “social” stuff. Inmates can even sign up fo’ one “Lean Six Sigma” trainin’ program fo’ learn ’bout efficiency. 🍽️💰👩‍💼🧮📐🔧

“We try fo’ help our wahine find work in da factory dat let ’em use their strengths so dey can develop mo’ skills dat dey can use fo’ get jobs,” da prison’s handbook say. 💪📚

Ms. Holmes, who stay 39 years old, wen get found guilty last year on four counts of wire fraud an’ conspiracy fo’ lyin’ ’bout how Theranos’s blood tests could detect all kinds of sicknesses wit jus’ a few drops of blood. Her an’ her ex-business partnah, Ramesh Balwani, gotta pay $452 million to da investors dat dey wen scam. Ms. Holmes stay appealin’ her case, but da judge wen deny her request fo’ stay outta prison while she appeal. 🧪🔬🤥💰

Ms. Holmes wen start Theranos in 2003 aftah she wen drop outta Stanford University wen she stay jus’ 19. Da company wen get $950 million in fundin’, which make her one billionaire on paper. But Theranos wen go all bust in 2018. Ms. Holmes an’ Mr. Balwani wen get indicted dat same year. 💉📚💸

Da two of ’em wen get separate trials. Mr. Balwani wen get convicted on 12 counts of fraud an’ now he stay doin’ one almost 13-year sentence in one federal prison in San Pedro, Calif. He stay appealin’ his case too. 🏢🚔🤥

Da sentence dat Ms. Holmes gotta suppose to send one message to all da oddah folks in Silicon Valley: Wen you one ambitious start-up foundah an’ you try fo’ “fake it till you make it,” there going be consequences. Even if da tech industry stay known fo’ stretchin’ da rules, as entrepreneurs try fo’ create new businesses an’ shake up da old ones, not too many evah go prison fo’ lyin’. 🤥🚔💰

Since she get convicted, Ms. Holmes been stayin’ in one rental house in San Diego near da family of Billy Evans, who stay da faddah of her two kids. Durin’ her trial, which happen in San Jose, Calif., Ms. Holmes an’ Mr. Evans wen live in one house on da property of Green Gables, one estate dat cost $135 million in one fancy town called Woodside. 🏘️💼🏞️

Her two young keiki, William an’ Invicta, going still be able fo’ do video calls wit Ms. Holmes an’ go visit her on weekends an’ federal holidays. She can make phone calls too, but dey limited to 15 minutes each, an’ she can only use 300 minutes per month. 📞📆📚

At F.P.C. Bryan, Ms. Holmes, who stay famous fo’ wearin’ black turtlenecks fo’ look like Steve Jobs when she stay runnin’ Theranos, an’ durin’ her trial she stay wearin’ heels, tight dresses, an’ carryin’ one baby bag, going now gotta wear prison-issued khaki pants an’ shirts in pastel green, gray, or white. She gotta wear athletic shoes too, but dey can’t cost mo’ than $100. 👔🩳👟

She no can use da internet, but she can buy one radio ($31.75) or one MP3 playah ($88.40) from da prison store. Only “clean” music allowed, no explicit stuff, like da prison’s handbook say. 📻🎶

F.P.C. Bryan get plenty stuff fo’ keep da inmates entertained, like music programs, “table games,” an’ movies, like da handbook say. Dey can do arts an’ crafts too, like beadin’, knittin’, papah art, crochet, an’ ceramics. One crochet needle cost $1.30, an’ yarn cost $3.55 at da prison store, like da handbook say. 🎨🧶📚

Inmates can go to one outside “recreation yard pavilion,” but dey gotta go back to dey dorms fo’ head counts dat happen five times ev’ry 24 hours. ⏰🏞️🏋️

Makin’ counterfeit or forgery documents an’ tryin’ fo’ run one business stay against da rules. Ms. Holmes wen admit dat she wen fake pharmaceutical reports fo’ get investors while she stay testifyin’ durin’ her trial. 📋🤥💼

Da prison camp get oddah inmates too, like Jen Shah, one “Real Housewives of Salt Lake City” star, who stay servin’ one five-an’-a-half-year sentence fo’ wire fraud related to telemarketing. In one blog post from March where she talk ’bout her first few days in prison, Ms. Shah say she stay struggle wit da phone system, ’cause dey use account numbers, an’ she note dat not too many people stay nice. Breakfast stay instant oatmeal, one apple, an’ one slice of wheat bread wit jelly, she write. 📺📞🍽️

Lea Fastow, one ex-executive from da energy company Enron, wen stay at F.P.C. Bryan fo’ 11 months ’cause of tax fraud back in da mid-2000s. Jenna Ryan, one person dat took part in da attack on da U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021, wen spend 60 days deyah too. An’ Michelle Janavs, da daughter of one Hot Pockets co-foundah, wen serve five months fo’ her part in da “Operation Varsity Blues” college admissions scandal. 👩‍⚖️🏢🔌

Back in 2017, three inmates wen escape from F.P.C. Bryan. One of ’em, Edith Lara, who stay servin’ time fo’ drug charges, still no get found, accord’ to da Bureau of Prisons website. 🏃🏢🚔

So, now Elizabeth Holmes going start her time in prison. She gotta face da consequences of her actions an’ serve her sentence. Fo’ da next 11 years an’ three months, she going live wit da rules an’ regulations of F.P.C. Bryan, workin’ fo’ low wages an’ livin’ wit da restrictions of prison life. Only time going tell wat goin’ happen next fo’ her an’ her future. ⚖️🏢💉


🏢🤥 Elizabeth Holmes Reports to Prison to Begin More Than 11-Year Sentence 🚔

The disgraced founder of the blood testing start-up Theranos, who was convicted of fraud, turned herself in at a minimum-security prison in Texas.

Elizabeth Holmes, the disgraced entrepreneur who was convicted of defrauding investors at her failed blood testing start-up, Theranos, reported to a federal prison in Texas on Tuesday to begin her 11-year, three-month sentence. ⏳🤥🩸

Ms. Holmes surrendered to F.P.C. Bryan, a minimum-security prison camp for women roughly 90 minutes from Houston. She pulled up in a Ford Expedition that appeared to be driven by her mother, Noel Holmes. Her father, Christian Holmes, appeared to be inside. 🚗🏢👩‍👧‍👦

After some shuffling around, out of the view of the cameras gathered nearby, Elizabeth Holmes entered the facility wearing jeans, glasses, and a sweater, and carrying some papers. As she entered the prison, a bystander watching from the street yelled her name. 📸👖👓📝

F.P.C. Bryan’s 655 inmates are required to work in the cafeteria or in a manufacturing facility, and they start with pay of $1.15 an hour, according to the prison’s handbook. Before starting work at the factory, Ms. Holmes may take a test to assess her strengths in areas such as business, clerical work, numerical, logic, mechanical, and “social.” Inmates can also enroll in a “Lean Six Sigma” training program to learn about efficiency. 🍽️💰👩‍💼🧮📐🔧

“We try to help our women find work in the factory that lets them use their strengths so they can develop more skills that they can use to get jobs,” the prison’s handbook says. 💪📚

Ms. Holmes, who is 39 years old, was found guilty last year on four counts of wire fraud and conspiracy for lying about how Theranos’s blood tests could detect all kinds of sicknesses with just a few drops of blood. She and her ex-business partner, Ramesh Balwani, have to pay $452 million to the investors that they defrauded. Ms. Holmes is appealing her case, but the judge denied her request to stay out of prison while she appeals. 🧪🔬🤥💰

Ms. Holmes started Theranos in 2003 after she dropped out of Stanford University when she was just 19. The company raised $950 million in funding, which made her a billionaire on paper. But Theranos went all bust in 2018. Ms. Holmes and Mr. Balwani were indicted that same year. 💉📚💸

The two of them were tried separately. Mr. Balwani was convicted on 12 counts of fraud and is now serving an almost 13-year sentence in a federal prison in San Pedro, Calif. He is appealing his case too. 🏢🚔🤥

The sentence that Ms. Holmes received is meant to send a message to all the other people in Silicon Valley: When you are an ambitious start-up founder and you try to “fake it till you make it,” there are going to be consequences. Even if the tech industry is known for stretching the rules, as entrepreneurs try to create new businesses and shake up the old ones, not too many people ever go to prison for lying. 🤥🚔💰

Since she was convicted, Ms. Holmes has been staying in a rental house in San Diego near the family of Billy Evans, who is the father of her two kids. During her trial, which took place in San Jose, Calif., Ms. Holmes and Mr. Evans lived in a house on the property of Green Gables, an estate that cost $135 million in a fancy town called Woodside. 🏘️💼🏞️

Her two young children, William and Invicta, will still be able to do video calls with Ms. Holmes and visit her on weekends and federal holidays. She can make phone calls too, but they are limited to 15 minutes each, and she can only use 300 minutes per month. 📞📆📚

At F.P.C. Bryan, Ms. Holmes, who is famous for wearing black turtlenecks to resemble Steve Jobs while running Theranos and, during her trial, wearing heels, tight dresses, and carrying a baby bag, will now have to wear prison-issued khaki pants and shirts in pastel green, gray, or white. She will have to wear athletic shoes too, but they cannot cost more than $100. 👔🩳👟

She will not have internet access, but she can buy a radio ($31.75) or an MP3 player ($88.40) from the prison store. Only “clean” music is allowed, no explicit content, as stated in the prison’s handbook. 📻🎶

F.P.C. Bryan offers leisure activities including music programs, “table games,” and movies, according to its handbook. Arts and crafts are available too, including beading, knitting, paper art, crochet, and ceramics. A crochet needle costs $1.30, and yarn costs $3.55 at F.P.C. Bryan’s store, as mentioned in the handbook. 🎨🧶📚

Inmates have access to an outdoor “recreation yard pavilion,” but they have to return to their dorms for head counts that occur five times every 24 hours. ⏰🏞️🏋️

Counterfeiting or forging documents and trying to run a business are against the rules. Ms. Holmes admitted that she faked pharmaceutical reports to get investors while she was testifying during her trial. 📋🤥💼

The prison camp has other inmates too, like Jen Shah, a “Real Housewives of Salt Lake City” star, who is serving a five-and-a-half-year sentence for wire fraud related to telemarketing. In a blog post from March where she talked about her first few days in prison, Ms. Shah said she struggled with the phone system because they use account numbers, and she noted that not too many people were nice. Breakfast consisted of instant oatmeal, an apple, and a slice of wheat bread with jelly, she wrote. 📺📞🍽️

Lea Fastow, a former executive from the energy company Enron, stayed at F.P.C. Bryan for 11 months due to tax fraud in the mid-2000s. Jenna Ryan, a person who took part in the attack on the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021, also spent 60 days there. And Michelle Janavs, the daughter of a Hot Pockets co-founder, served five months for her involvement in the “Operation Varsity Blues” college admissions scandal. 👩‍⚖️🏢🔌

Back in 2017, three inmates escaped from F.P.C. Bryan. One of them, Edith Lara, who is serving time for drug charges, is still missing, according to the Bureau of Prisons website. 🏃🏢🚔

So, now Elizabeth Holmes is beginning her time in prison. She has to face the consequences of her actions and serve her sentence. For the next 11 years and three months, she will live by the rules and regulations of F.P.C. Bryan, working for low wages and living with the restrictions of prison life. Only time will tell what will happen next for her and her future. ⚖️🏢💉

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